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This is a Virtual training that will be on GoToWebinar. A link to register for this will be emailed
This three-hour webinar will help the user find, utilize, and interpret FEMA‘s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Insurance Studies. In particular, you will learn how to find the flood map for any location of interest, how to determine the flood zone and the Base Flood Elevation, and how maps can be amended through FEMA‘s Letters of Map Change. We will go over the history of flood maps and their changing levels of detail. We will help you find the current flood map and interpret the information on the map panel and the map index. We will go over Flood Insurance Studies and how to utilize them to determine a more accurate flood elevation. We will go over the use of and process of obtaining Letters of Map Amendment and Letters of Map Revision. Note that Letters of Map Revision require detailed engineering which we will not go over. However we will discuss the uses for Letters of Map Revision.
• Certified Floodplain Manager, ASFPM: 3 credits
• Code Credit, New York State Department of State: 3 hours